• Lellee watch is a new category of products that will knock you off your feet. The watch contains an illustration like an image that is not only visually appealing but shows the time. Although the clock is a reminder that everything is fleeting, we must not forget that we need to keep track of time to make our days easier to organize. This is a gift that will always bring a smile back to your face! What's the story? The goal of the Lellee watch is to bring the time closer to the user in a not as disappointing sense as we normally experience it. And when we are already on a "journey", why not enrich it with the positive energy of colors and shapes that represent life. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. The watch has an integrated noiseless mechanism powered by an AA battery. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • Lellee watch is a new category of products that will knock you off your feet. The watch contains an illustration like an image that is not only visually appealing but shows the time. Although the clock is a reminder that everything is fleeting, we must not forget that we need to keep track of time to make our days easier to organize. This is a gift that will always bring a smile back to your face! What's the story? The goal of the Lellee watch is to bring the time closer to the user in a not as disappointing sense as we normally experience it. And when we are already on a "journey", why not enrich it with the positive energy of colors and shapes that represent life. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. The watch has an integrated noiseless mechanism powered by an AA battery. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • Lellee watch is a new category of products that will knock you off your feet. The watch contains an illustration like an image that is not only visually appealing but shows the time. Although the clock is a reminder that everything is fleeting, we must not forget that we need to keep track of time to make our days easier to organize. This is a gift that will always bring a smile back to your face! What's the story? The goal of the Lellee watch is to bring the time closer to the user in a not as disappointing sense as we normally experience it. And when we are already on a "journey", why not enrich it with the positive energy of colors and shapes that represent life. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. The watch has an integrated noiseless mechanism powered by an AA battery. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.


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