WordPress database error: [Table './vrbanece_wp113/wpho_woocommerce_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired]
SELECT session_value FROM wpho_woocommerce_sessions WHERE session_key = 't_d791653b150a7b6001e5364ed47c1e'

Cups – Narteos
  • Jolly the Cup is a colorful cup whose main goal is to cheer up everyone’s morning coffee or tea. Each cup is unique, hand-shaped and hand-illustrated, so you won’t find two of the same. They come in three different forms, and their task is to free you from boring everyday life, unimaginative cups and raise you to a new level that will make you look at the world with different eyes. Cheerful mugs advocate diversity that we don’t express enough! What is it about? The idea behind Jolly’s cup first surfaced in 2017 when Ivana realized that Vanja was a very grumpy guy in the morning without any smiles. Ivana promised him a gift that would bring a smile to his morning face. And since Vanja is addicted to coffee every morning, she made him Jolly the Cup first. Ever since he wakes up, he can’t wait for the first cup of coffee and although he’s still grumpy, he says the mornings are different with such a big gift. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a process thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Our products can be washed in the dishwasher. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. Each cup can receive up to 3 dl (1.25) of liquid. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage. Jolly the Cup is a protected patent whose licenses are owned by Narteos.
  • Jolly the Cup is a colorful cup whose main goal is to cheer up everyone’s morning coffee or tea. Each cup is unique, hand-shaped and hand-illustrated, so you won’t find two of the same. They come in three different forms, and their task is to free you from boring everyday life, unimaginative cups and raise you to a new level that will make you look at the world with different eyes. Cheerful mugs advocate diversity that we don’t express enough! What is it about? The idea behind Jolly’s cup first surfaced in 2017 when Ivana realized that Vanja was a very grumpy guy in the morning without any smiles. Ivana promised him a gift that would bring a smile to his morning face. And since Vanja is addicted to coffee every morning, she made him Jolly the Cup first. Ever since he wakes up, he can’t wait for the first cup of coffee and although he’s still grumpy, he says the mornings are different with such a big gift. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a process thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Our products can be washed in the dishwasher. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. Each cup can receive up to 3 dl (1.25) of liquid. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage. Jolly the Cup is a protected patent whose licenses are owned by Narteos.
  • Jolly the Cup is a colorful cup whose main goal is to cheer up everyone’s morning coffee or tea. Each cup is unique, hand-shaped and hand-illustrated, so you won’t find two of the same. They come in three different forms, and their task is to free you from boring everyday life, unimaginative cups and raise you to a new level that will make you look at the world with different eyes. Cheerful mugs advocate diversity that we don’t express enough! What is it about? The idea behind Jolly’s cup first surfaced in 2017 when Ivana realized that Vanja was a very grumpy guy in the morning without any smiles. Ivana promised him a gift that would bring a smile to his morning face. And since Vanja is addicted to coffee every morning, she made him Jolly the Cup first. Ever since he wakes up, he can’t wait for the first cup of coffee and although he’s still grumpy, he says the mornings are different with such a big gift. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a process thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Our products can be washed in the dishwasher. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. Each cup can receive up to 3 dl (1.25) of liquid. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage. Jolly the Cup is a protected patent whose licenses are owned by Narteos.
  • Jolly the Cup is a colorful cup whose main goal is to cheer up everyone’s morning coffee or tea. Each cup is unique, hand-shaped and hand-illustrated, so you won’t find two of the same. They come in three different forms, and their task is to free you from boring everyday life, unimaginative cups and raise you to a new level that will make you look at the world with different eyes. Cheerful mugs advocate diversity that we don’t express enough! What is it about? The idea behind Jolly’s cup first surfaced in 2017 when Ivana realized that Vanja was a very grumpy guy in the morning without any smiles. Ivana promised him a gift that would bring a smile to his morning face. And since Vanja is addicted to coffee every morning, she made him Jolly the Cup first. Ever since he wakes up, he can’t wait for the first cup of coffee and although he’s still grumpy, he says the mornings are different with such a big gift. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a process thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Our products can be washed in the dishwasher. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. Each cup can receive up to 3 dl (1.25) of liquid. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage. Jolly the Cup is a protected patent whose licenses are owned by Narteos.


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WordPress database error: [Table './vrbanece_wp113/wpho_woocommerce_sessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired]
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