• Coloration rings are wooden rings that are created in combinations of round shapes of different sizes in combination with different color tones. They do not contain illustrations, but games with circles and colors. The goal of these rings is to make people aware that they exist and to move among an environment that is full of colors while we humans are constantly adorned with more and more black, white and gray skies. What's the story? Coloration rings have been one of the projects since the student days of Ivana Zavidić. It came to life with the birth of Narteos because dreams come true if steps are taken and quality rings will always find their place with style on someone’s hand. Technical details The product is made of three-layer plywood that is laser cut and painted with permanent acrylic paint. The parts of the ring are then glued with solid glue and the metal ring, which is glued to the wood (two-component glue) is coated with a metal alloy from which no allergy is obtained. The rings come in three different sizes and a million vibrant color combinations. When sending a package, each product is well packaged in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • Coloration rings are wooden rings that are created in combinations of round shapes of different sizes in combination with different color tones. They do not contain illustrations, but games with circles and colors. The goal of these rings is to make people aware that they exist and to move among an environment that is full of colors while we humans are constantly adorned with more and more black, white and gray skies. What's the story? Coloration rings have been one of the projects since the student days of Ivana Zavidić. It came to life with the birth of Narteos because dreams come true if steps are taken and quality rings will always find their place with style on someone’s hand. Technical details The product is made of three-layer plywood that is laser cut and painted with permanent acrylic paint. The parts of the ring are then glued with solid glue and the metal ring, which is glued to the wood (two-component glue) is coated with a metal alloy from which no allergy is obtained. The rings come in three different sizes and a million vibrant color combinations. When sending a package, each product is well packaged in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • Coloration rings are wooden rings that are created in combinations of round shapes of different sizes in combination with different color tones. They do not contain illustrations, but games with circles and colors. The goal of these rings is to make people aware that they exist and to move among an environment that is full of colors while we humans are constantly adorned with more and more black, white and gray skies. What's the story? Coloration rings have been one of the projects since the student days of Ivana Zavidić. It came to life with the birth of Narteos because dreams come true if steps are taken and quality rings will always find their place with style on someone’s hand. Technical details The product is made of three-layer plywood that is laser cut and painted with permanent acrylic paint. The parts of the ring are then glued with solid glue and the metal ring, which is glued to the wood (two-component glue) is coated with a metal alloy from which no allergy is obtained. The rings come in three different sizes and a million vibrant color combinations. When sending a package, each product is well packaged in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • We have long wanted to produce earrings that are appropriate for any dinner, outing or meeting. Jewelry reflects the soul of the person wearing it and these earrings contain illustrations that with their style cannot entice enthusiasm for the play of shapes and colors. What's the story ?? The idea behind the earrings comes from the collection of Lael rings, which were first created and were supposed to be paired with a set of earrings. They are an ideal gift for anyone who adores earrings that radiate with pure optimism. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same.  The earrings come in three sizes. They are glazed on both sides and the metal that is placed in the ear is coated with a metal alloy that does not cause allergies. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • We have long wanted to produce earrings that are appropriate for any dinner, outing or meeting. Jewelry reflects the soul of the person wearing it and these earrings contain illustrations that with their style cannot entice enthusiasm for the play of shapes and colors. What's the story ?? The idea behind the earrings comes from the collection of Lael rings, which were first created and were supposed to be paired with a set of earrings. They are an ideal gift for anyone who adores earrings that radiate with pure optimism. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same.  The earrings come in three sizes. They are glazed on both sides and the metal that is placed in the ear is coated with a metal alloy that does not cause allergies. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • We have long wanted to produce earrings that are appropriate for any dinner, outing or meeting. Jewelry reflects the soul of the person wearing it and these earrings contain illustrations that with their style cannot entice enthusiasm for the play of shapes and colors. What's the story ?? The idea behind the earrings comes from the collection of Lael rings, which were first created and were supposed to be paired with a set of earrings. They are an ideal gift for anyone who adores earrings that radiate with pure optimism. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same.  The earrings come in three sizes. They are glazed on both sides and the metal that is placed in the ear is coated with a metal alloy that does not cause allergies. When sending a package, each product is well packed in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • We wanted for a long time to produce rings that are appropriate for every evening, outing or meeting. Jewelry reflects the soul of the person wearing it and Lael rings contain illustrations that with their style cannot entice enthusiasm for the play of shapes and colors. What's the story? Lael rings are the first ceramic type rings that you can proudly wear at any time. They are an ideal gift for anyone who adores rings that radiate optimism. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. The rings come in three different sizes. The metal ring that is glued (with a two-component glue) is coated with a non-allergenic metal alloy. When sending a package, each product is well packaged in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • We wanted for a long time to produce rings that are appropriate for every evening, outing or meeting. Jewelry reflects the soul of the person wearing it and Lael rings contain illustrations that with their style cannot entice enthusiasm for the play of shapes and colors. What's the story? Lael rings are the first ceramic type rings that you can proudly wear at any time. They are an ideal gift for anyone who adores rings that radiate optimism. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. The rings come in three different sizes. The metal ring that is glued (with a two-component glue) is coated with a non-allergenic metal alloy. When sending a package, each product is well packaged in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.
  • We wanted for a long time to produce rings that are appropriate for every evening, outing or meeting. Jewelry reflects the soul of the person wearing it and Lael rings contain illustrations that with their style cannot entice enthusiasm for the play of shapes and colors. What's the story? Lael rings are the first ceramic type rings that you can proudly wear at any time. They are an ideal gift for anyone who adores rings that radiate optimism. Technical details The product is made of ceramic, which is extremely light, as it is baked three times at 1150 ° C (2102 ° F). Such a procedure thickens the pores of the ceramic, which makes the ceramic extremely durable. Each product is hand-shaped, hand-painted and classified with our trademark, which means that all our works are unique and that no two are the same. In our creative process we don’t use machines. For this reason, you must know that each ordered product’s shape and illustration style will deviate from the style shown here by a maximum of 5 %. The tones of presented colors are the same. The rings come in three different sizes. The metal ring that is glued (with a two-component glue) is coated with a non-allergenic metal alloy. When sending a package, each product is well packaged in a protective box that allows the product to reach the customer safely and without damage.


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